I don't Know What Your Gonna Say OR Do I Care
Monday, June 4, 2012
Used this for story insperation!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Good BootLeg Games. Play Free Games Online! Mini Flash Games, Shockwave 3d games, Android games and more - Y8
NOt Like WOW But more like TONS AND TONS of shockwave gamesto play in MINNLOINS OF DIF CATAGORIES
NOt Like WOW But more like TONS AND TONS of shockwave gamesto play in MINNLOINS OF DIF CATAGORIES
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Orignal Idea *Spaz Attack*

*Does Cabbage Patch*
(U dont Know how 2 Cabbage Patch? Click Here stupid not 2 inches to the right. Just BTW Best If You turn soud off it sounds like Porn and instrutor made me laugh my ass off his accent made it better)
Wells for da peeps who wanna here it just look below . . .

- Girl 1: Ashlyn- Mean Girl with choclate brown hair and same color eyes. She of couse has a BF, (gotta figure out his name) Her BFF is Casey.
- Ashlyn's BF likes Jacie and no AShlyn any more
- He Brakes up with Ashlyn
- Gets together with Jacie
- Otays his name is gonna Be Liam
- Otyas Ashlyn goes crazy and tries to kill Jacie
- Liam stops Ashlyn and says that he will be with Ashlyn if she will leave Jacie Alone.
- Time Gap gor ummmmm. . . i gots to do math gimmie a sec. . . If its set in 2016 and time jumps to 2022 ummmmmmmmm. . . YESH Caculator on Computer gimmie another bazillion secnds.
- OK Time jump 6 years to where Jacie is 22 and has been going to a therapist for what happened with Ashlyn.
- She gets a invite to a wedding for Liam and Ashlyn and decides to go.
- She has on a light blue dress same look but a darker blue in picture at top. With black heels.
- She shows up as a regular guest and Liam doesnt recognize her since shes dyed her hair back just to forget when she was 16.
- When she gives gift to Ashlyn she doesnt recognize her appearance but her voice kinda.
- Liam has been thinking about this guest through out the reception and finally relizes its her as soon as the reception is almost over adnt eh bride and groom are getting into the limo.
- It turns out Casey Ashlyns BFF is a nice girl after all and wanted Jacie to be with Liam thats why she invited Jacie with out Ashlyn knowing
- Now as soon as Liam relizes that the unknown black haired guest is really the woman he really loves, Jacie, he leaves behind Ashlyn in her big puffy wedding dress that costed 80,000. (2nd pic is her dress.) And Meets Jacie.
- He kisses her with the Gasps of the guests and natrally Jacie forms into the kiss.
- This scene will be from Liams Point of View and here is what i have come up with
God I missed her. I imagined me walking with her back down the isle married not with Ashlyn. Just remember Liam your doing all this for Jacie so she can be safe. Still I had the puzzle pieces spread out only few clicked together.
We were nearing the limo when suddenly one piece clicked together with another. I knew the face from 6 years ago. Then after that one click I froze, all the puzzle peices, they all snapped together.
JACIE! O.M.G. Thats Jacie thats her only with back hair instead of the bleach blonde. She still had the crip cold blue eyes same cute button nose and the same personalaty. SAME EVERYTHING!
I could feel Ash tuging on my hand tring to get me to go father down the procession, but I didnt budge from her force but Jacie's. I let go of her grasp and sprinted back into the hotel.
"Liam? LIAM!" Ash screamed at me as I ran in my Tuxedio to the back of the grand room where the bar was. I saw her there her black hair all messed up and stelltoes (spelled dat wrong. Huh?) and a light blue dress. She was facing the bar, had 3 empty glasses infront of her and tears rolling down her face.
I sat down next to her as the bartenders asked me what I wanted. I glanced towards the door. Nothing. "Umm. Just water." I said. Jacie glaced over to me and i looked back at her into her blue eyes. "Jacie." I whispered real low.
Slowly very slowly she nodded her head. She stood up first, grabbed her shot glass, knocked it back, and said, "Well you should be getting back to your wife." I saw another streak of tears flow down her face as soon as the word wife come out of her mouth. She slammed the glass on the table walked past me towards the exit.
"No, Jace, no," I grabbed her wrist, her skin still as smooth as I remembered, and pulled her towards me. She melted like butter at my touch and the tears broke out like a waterfall. She put her head into my cheast and cried probably more than I have every seen her cry.
She looked up towards me, hmph still shorter in her 6 inch heels, and i looked down. Just like our very first kiss it was slow and passoinate. When our lips touched I heard a ear pearcing scream, dozens of gasps, and camera flashes.
I then felt Jacie's body jerk away from me with another scream. My eyes falshed open and I say a fistfull of Jacie's hair (yes still attached to her head, Jacie dosnt wear weave.) in Ashlyn's hand. They were both looking eachother in the eye. Ash had the upper hand clearly and was tugging on Jace's hair with her each word.
" HOW. DARE. YOU. KISS. HIM. YOU. LITTLE. SLUT." I saw pure anger on Ashlyn's face but deep thought on Jace's. Before I knew it a loud RIPPPPPPPPPPPPP hit the air and I couldn't beleive what Jacie did.
A 80,000 wedding gown was ripped, or atleast part of it. I saw the lace in Jacie's hand and the change from anger to shock on Ashlyn's face. I heard more cameras snap and saw Jace's hair back down by her cheek bones.
Then there was a change in upper-hand it was in Jacies power now. Jacie straddled Ashlyn and threw puches at her. It was Jacie's turn to scream at her. Well it wasnt much of a scream but like a sob-ish cry.
"You know what you did to me 6 years ago, Huh Ashlyn Cooper. You, Liam, and Casey. Thats it NO one knows but us. No what you did to me 6 years ago not even your mother. But Surely, " She broke her eye contact with Ashlyn and looked up at the crowd. "You all want to know." The majorty of them shook their heads yes. "Well 'Little Miss.Perfect' over here had everything i could ever ask for during the time. Loving Parents, More friends then bones in her body, and most of all an incredable boyfriend that I just happened tp have a crush on." She Jestered to me. "Now Liam over there broke up with you for reasons he has never told me or problably you. But Heloved me as much as i did him. For a mouth straight we were together and I felt loved but you had to take it away. You kidnapped me kncoked me out and had me in a noose standing on a stool in a barn GOD KNOWS WHERE! You were gonna kill me weren't you Ashlyn?"
She paused and looked to Ash. I say her weakly nod her head.
"NOW Liam walked in and said that he would take YOU THE GIRL THAT TRIED TO KILL ME back and he did." I heard tons of gasps errupted from the crowd a Jacies words. "6 years later here we are, wierd isn't Ashlyn how life turned out perfect for you but a livin hell for me, Huh? I just have one more thing to say: Keep Him Live Your Happily ever after you knew would have since you could shit yourself." S
My PJO Peeps
Herro PJO people.
I have a blog
Yeah a blog.
People may vlog.
But I will not carry around a video camera with me.
I would much rather type it what I'm doing.
I may post pictures around this place of random shit.
My first is my back round.
My Dino gives you lots of love.
For Those who may be curious.
My name is Madison Elizabeth Henderson
And I have no intention to show my face.
I just love to write and let my personalty flow through there.
I am random, IDC about what you think, I love Cookies and Grape juice.
But they always get stolen. . .
I have a motto for myself.
Herro PJO people.
I have a blog
Yeah a blog.
People may vlog.
But I will not carry around a video camera with me.
I would much rather type it what I'm doing.
I may post pictures around this place of random shit.
My first is my back round.
My Dino gives you lots of love.
For Those who may be curious.
My name is Madison Elizabeth Henderson
And I have no intention to show my face.
I just love to write and let my personalty flow through there.
I am random, IDC about what you think, I love Cookies and Grape juice.
But they always get stolen. . .
I have a motto for myself.
Because its true.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Flipping 20% Battery
Gosh Im starting to hate my iPod. Its always when I need my iPod that it has 20% battery. Im in dance at the moment watching all the girls attempt moves. Im sitting out cause I have a horrable headache plus in freezeing cold which is not helping. You should see what I look like right now. I have my iPod in my purse and tapping the keys with one finger. It's like I'm pushing invisable buttons. ;] God it's free coreorgphy (I probably spelled that wrong ) and in my boring ballet class there is rap music booming through the walls. I heard of this thing called I have a secret on YouTube in Seventeen magazine. It's where you take these note cards and write your dilouge on them then show it to a camera. I think I'm gonna do one on a deep secret only I know. If you wanna see it I'm not giving link anytime. Got another. 20% battery messages. GODDAMN IT. My IPod fell and thank god for my outer box that barely fits. And teacher didn't notice thank you lord. Well I gotta go bell just rang and it's time for me to go home and take some good 'ol Tylonal!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Once Again Bored
I kno not many people read this peace of shit page. Just Sayin! But Sice that I Figure it can be sorta a diary of a kind. Im not all that good at pouring out my feelings into stupid fancy little books in prancy dancy hand writing I DO NOT have. Butttttt. I am sorta good at talking through computers though. Again JUST SAYIN.
Im not all that good of a typer at all i can type fast but mostly spelled wrong. :P
I may tend to put in stupid sayings I come up with from songs and put me up as a 12 year old Dr. Phil (Thats How You Spell Is Name Right?) in jeans and tees.
I also post tid bits of stories i write it depends on if i need to get the paragraph or 10 out of my head for the moment and get back to it later.
Well at the moment thats all i have on my mind
-Madison-Ninja-And I Stole Ur Cookie
Im not all that good of a typer at all i can type fast but mostly spelled wrong. :P
I may tend to put in stupid sayings I come up with from songs and put me up as a 12 year old Dr. Phil (Thats How You Spell Is Name Right?) in jeans and tees.
I also post tid bits of stories i write it depends on if i need to get the paragraph or 10 out of my head for the moment and get back to it later.
Well at the moment thats all i have on my mind
-Madison-Ninja-And I Stole Ur Cookie
Friday, March 2, 2012
I havent Posted in foreva! :P well I've never posted.... hehe
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