I kno not many people read this peace of shit page. Just Sayin! But Sice that I Figure it can be sorta a diary of a kind. Im not all that good at pouring out my feelings into stupid fancy little books in prancy dancy hand writing I DO NOT have. Butttttt. I am sorta good at talking through computers though. Again JUST SAYIN.
Im not all that good of a typer at all i can type fast but mostly spelled wrong. :P
I may tend to put in stupid sayings I come up with from songs and put me up as a 12 year old Dr. Phil (Thats How You Spell Is Name Right?) in jeans and tees.
I also post tid bits of stories i write it depends on if i need to get the paragraph or 10 out of my head for the moment and get back to it later.
Well at the moment thats all i have on my mind
-Madison-Ninja-And I Stole Ur Cookie